
Enhancing Engagement and Reducing Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the Coronavirus pandemic, people in our state were ordered to stay at home. Most people could only go outside for food or to see the doctor. Many people felt sad and lonely. Hope House made videos to help people with disabilities feel less alone.

Grantee: Hope House Foundation

Project Dates: 5/1/2020 - 12/15/2020

Areas of Emphasis: Community Supports

Award: $6,090

Match: $0

The goal of this project was to:

  1. Help people with disabilities served by Hope House to feel less alone
  2. Share Our Voices self-advocacy messages with other people with disabilities

Hope House made 6 videos. They posted the videos on the YouTube channel Our Voices 757. People with disabilities (self-advocates) led these videos. They talked about topics such as:

  • 5 great ideas for staying positive during the pandemic
  • Using technology while social distancing
  • The importance of getting out to vote during the 2020 election
  • The importance of having choices, support and living a life like yours.

These videos have close to 1,700 views.