
Ensuring Accessibility to All Survivors

All people should be able to stay safe. This project translated and interpreted into American Sign Language a handbook called Understanding Protective Orders. This book is about abuse and how to get a protective order. The project also made videos to help people get help.

Grantee: Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)

Project Dates: 8/1/2019 - 7/31/2021

Areas of Emphasis: Targeted Disparity

Award: $89,252

Match: $29,757

VCU found that people need information and resources about abuse. People also need information about healthy and unhealthy relationships. VCU then translated and interpreted into American Sign Language a handbook called Understanding Protective Orders. This book explains abuse and tells people where they can get help. VCU also made two videos. One video told people in Richmond, Virginia, where they could get help from abuse. The second video had information about where anyone in Virginia could get help from abuse. The videos are on YouTube and have over 400 views.

VCU made training for staff who work with people who are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing. The training tells staff how to support someone who is going through abuse and where they can get help. VCU trained 17 staff throughout the state. The training was shared online and with many state and national groups. 29 other people used the online training.