
Promoting Integrated Employment with ABLES

This project made training led by people with developmental disabilities (DD). The training was in-person and online. They trained people with DD, business leaders and employment service staff. The training helped to make more jobs for people with DD in Lynchburg, Roanoke, Southside and Southwest Virginia.

Grantee: Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)

Project Dates: 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2020

Areas of Emphasis: Employment

Award: $150,000

Match: $16,667

VCU made training to make more job opportunities for people with DD in Lynchburg, Roanoke, Southside and Southwest Virginia. They wanted people with DD to be able to get jobs that pay at least a minimum wage, and that have people with DD and people without disabilities working together. The training was a hybrid training. This means that they trained people face-to-face and had an online course. The online course had three seminars. VCU also made four fact sheets and 13 videos. These items talked about the success of hiring people with disabilities. 162 people received hybrid training. 184 individuals received online training. A total of 346 people received training by the end of the project.