
SAFARI (Sharing Answers & Forging Affirmative Relationships Inventively)

The Up Center made a board game called SAFARI. This game helped Direct Service Professionals (DSP) to get to know the people with developmental disabilities (DD) that they serve. This game was made to help reduce DSP turnover. This would then improve quality of life for the people they serve.

Grantee: The Up Center

Project Dates: 8/1/2019 - 1/31/2021

Areas of Emphasis: Community Supports

Award: $20,055

Match: $6,685

The Up Center made a board game called SAFARI. The game was an interactive game. The person with DD and their DSP had to play the game as a team. Players answered questions about themselves to move their game pieces around a board. They also worked together to reach a goal. SAFARI helped DSP to get to know the people they serve.

The project began on August 1, 2019, and ended on January 31, 2021. To make the game, the Up Center worked with service providers in Hampton Roads. Providers asked people with DD and their families what they want their support staff to know about them. The Up Center made 100 copies of the SAFARI game. They shared the game with day support and residential providers throughout the state. The Up Center taught 74 provider representatives how to use the game. They also emailed training presentations to six other providers. Data shows that DSPs and people with DD enjoyed playing SAFARI. Staff are learning more about the people that they support. The Up Center will continue to collect data for this game. They will see if the game is helping DSPs to better enjoy and stay in their jobs, increasing quality of service and improving quality of life for people with DD.