
Support Service Provider (SSP) Pilot Program

The pilot program aims to provide training about Support Service Providers (SSPs). An SSP is a person who acts as a deafblind person’s eyes and ears. An SSP empowers a deafblind person with the info they need to make their own choices. Through the program, providers will learn how to perform SSP duties. Deafblind people will learn how to work with SSPs. The program will then help to assign SSPs to people who are deafblind.

Grantee: Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Project Dates: 1/1/2023 - 6/30/2025

Areas of Emphasis: Community Supports

Award: $214,450

Match: $86,821

The pilot program will provide training on SSPs and help to assign SSPs. The grantee VDDHH and Reynolds Community College will:

  1. Develop policies and procedures for choosing participants
  2. Train new SSPs on duties and responsibilities, and train deafblind people on how to work with SSPs
  3. Develop and update a list of qualified SSPs (deafblind people will be able to use this list)
  4. Coordinate the deafblind consumer-directed SSP hiring process, and make sure that the person can hire an SSP of their choice