Training Alumni (TA) have finished our Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) and Partners in Policymaking (PIP) programs. They are graduates of our training. We value all of our Alumni!

Training Alumni are advocates, leaders and change-makers. They have passion for inclusion, equity and being a part of community life. Alumni use their lived experience to create solutions for today. Their solutions will improve the future.

Training Alumni meet throughout the year. They identify a wide range of topics and issues that affect people with disabilities in Virginia. They share successes and resources.

Are you a person with a disability, family member, stakeholder or other professional? You can attend our Statewide Education Sessions.

Session Dates & Topics

Training Alumni should attend our Alumni Only and Statewide Educational Sessions. These sessions take place several times a year.

Registration will be available about three weeks before each session.

2024-2025 Statewide Educational Sessions

  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 6-8pm: Safe Online Dating Strategies for People with I/DD
  • Friday, September 27, 2024, 12-2pm: Telehealth
  • Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 6-8pm: Transition Options
  • Friday, November 15, 2024, 12-2pm: Planning for Life with a Disability
  • Friday, February 21, 2025, 12-2pm: Navigating Justice – Part One
  • Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 6-8pm: Navigating Justice – Part Two
  • Friday, April 11, 2025, 12-2pm: Supported Decision Making

Alumni-Only Session Dates

  • May 2025: Alumni-Only Retreat

Training Alumni Leadership Conference Dates

  • To Be Determined

All TA sessions are planned by our Training & Alumni Development Program Unit and Training Alumni Leaders.

For more information, or to recommend topics or help with planning, please contact:

VBPD Training Programs
(804) 786-3441

Sign Up for Training Alumni Updates
