Grants: 2023 RFP Due
Containers are the most basic layout element in Bootstrap and are required when using our default grid system. Containers are used to contain, pad, and (sometimes) center the content within them. While containers can be nested, most layouts do not require a nested container. Containers are used to contain, pad, and (sometimes) center the content within them. While […]
VBPD Quarterly Meeting
Agenda and Minutes
VBPD Quarterly Meeting
Agendas Minutes
Independent Living Series: Part 2 – Transportation
Join us and register for our free Statewide Educational Workshop, Independent Living Part II - Transportation. Our speakers includes Carrie Diamond and Katherine Newman with National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC), Aaron Moore with Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS), Tim Barham with GRTC and Jess Maffey with Department of Rail & Public Transportation […]
VBPD Quarterly Meeting
Hilton Hotel - Short PumpAgendas Minutes
Safe Online Dating Strategies for People with I/DD
Join us Wednesday, August 28, from 6 to 8 p.m. for a Statewide Continuing Education Workshop on Moving from Friend to Sweetheart in the Age of Technology. People with developmental […]
VBPD Quarterly Meeting
Hilton Hotel - Short PumpAgendas Minutes
Telehealth: Accessing Rural Areas, Rare Diseases and Low Incidence Populations
Join us Friday, September 27, from 12 to 2 p.m. for a Statewide Continuing Education Workshop on Telehealth: Accessing Rural Areas, Rare Diseases and Low Incidence Populations. This training will […]
Transition Options: Deaf Community Services, Accommodations for College Students and Alternative Hiring Processes
Join us Wednesday, October 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. for a Statewide Continuing Education Workshop on Transition Options: Deaf Community Services, Accommodations for College Students and Alternative Hiring Processes. […]